Dienstag, 11. Februar 2020

Heilung von Francois Macary (Lourdes)

Heilung von Francois Macary am 19. Juli 1871

Ein Zimmermann aus Lavaur litt seit 18 Jahren am linken Fuß an Geschwüren. Er konnte nicht mehr gehen, die Wissenschaft wußte keinen Rat. Ein Priester der Pfarre brachte ihm, als er aus Lourdes zurückkam, ein Fläschchen Wasser von der Grotte. Der Glaube bedeutete Macary nichts.

Er sagte zu seiner Frau: "Wenn das Wasser nun schon da ist, dann muss ich es wohl benützen."
Er machte das Kreuzzeichen, wusch das Bein mit dem Wasser und legte sich schlafen. Als er in der Nacht aufwachte, sagte er zu seiner Frau: "Aber ich spüre überhaupt keinen Schmerz mehr. Schauen wir nach!"
Es gab keine Wunden mehr, er war geheilt. Er wurde wieder praktizierender Christ.

Auferstehung und glorreiche Geheimnisse

Ärztlicher Bericht: It is the report of Dr. Bernet, of the Faculty of Paris:

François Macary, aged sixty years, a carpenter at Lavaur, member of the Society of St. Louis, consulted us, some twenty years ago, for varicose veins in the hollow and internal part of the left knee and leg. There was a varicose ulcer with callous edges, with considerable and painful congestion of the tissues. There were also, on both sides of the upper part of the calf, two large cicatrices of ancient date, which had nothing in common with the complaint we are now describing, being the result of a burn inflicted twenty years previously. The dilated veins were so numerous and so highly diseased as to convince us that the usual treatment of the malady was contra-indicated. Macary seemed to be doomed to perpetual invalidism. We prescribed mere palliatives, which, besides, had already been advised by our colleagues. Eighteen years later Macary consulted us once more. The diseased state of his leg was much aggravated. We confirmed our previous opinion, and strongly advised him to submit himself, as the only possible means of bringing the ulcer to a state of cicatrisation, to complete and prolonged rest in bed and to methodical treatment by dressings. On the fifteenth of August, 1871, Macary presented himself with the wound in a complete state of cicatrisation. No kind of support was on the leg. Of the congestion there was no trace left. The varicose knots had entirely disappeared -- and this was the most astonishing circumstance -- and in their place examination by the finger discovered small hard cords, empty of blood and moving under the touch. The internal saphena vein has normal direction and normal size. The most minute examination fails to show a sign of any surgical operation. We conclude that science is powerless to explain these facts. All authorities are agreed that varicose veins left to themselves are incurable; that they are not to be healed by mere palliative means -- still less that they can heal spontaneously; that they incessantly increase; and that a radical cure can be accomplished only by the application of surgical measures whereby the patient incurs grave danger. Thus Macary's case, even had it not been proved by authentic record not his own, would be none the less a most extraordinary fact, a fact -- to use the right word -- of supernatural character.

die Auferstehung

Auferstandener Christus,
der Du in Deiner Kirche lebst und wirkst,
schenke uns allen auf die Fürsprache Deiner Mutter, 
der Unbefleckten Empfängnis,
Heilung an Leib, Geist und Seele.
Wir loben Dich und preisen Dich und danken Dir.

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Heilung von Francois Macary
Basilika der Unbefleckten Empfängnis, Lourdes

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